
March 16, 2023

BSA/AML Virtual Session

10:00am - 4:30pm ET / 9:00am - 3:30pm CT

Virtual Session

BSA is an on-going, ever-changing “safety and soundness” issue. This workshop will provide current, updated tools, techniques, and “real world” examples for learning the critical components of a BSA/AML Program. We will review the basic BSA regulatory framework and provide you with an understanding of the BSA, OFAC, and core recordkeeping requirements as well as current hot topics and emerging trends.

The specific components to be covered during this BSA Fundamentals include:

  1. Money Laundering and History of Bank Secrecy Act
  2. The Tools of BSA
  3. The Role of FinCEN
  4. BSA/AML Violations and Penalties
  5. BSA/AML Risk Assessment
  6. BSA/AML Compliance Program and 4 Components
  7. Customer Identification Program
  8. Customer Due Diligence and Beneficial Ownership
  9. BSA Reporting and Record Keeping
    • Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR)
    • CTR Exemptions
    • Monetary Instrument Logs (MIL)
    • Funds Transfers
    • Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR)
  10. Hot Topics - Fraud, Elder Financial Exploitation
  11. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Compliance
  12. Key Takeaways


There will be a morning break, lunch from 1pm-1:45pm ET / 12pm-12:45pm CT


Our speaker will be Dianne Barton with Performance Solutions, Inc.


AAP/APRP credits 6.9


Location: Virtual Session



Member Price: $300


Virtual Sessions/Workshops (unless otherwise indicated), Boot Camps, Accreditation Workshops such as AAP, APRP, and NCP, and half/full day events are NOT included in Platinum Training Club benefits.


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