
April 6, 2023

Are Your Procedures Up To Date?

10am - 3:30pm ET / 9am - 2:30pm CT

Virtual Session

When reviewing annual audit findings, we often find that policies and procedures are either outdated or are missing pertinent information.

So, when did you last update your policies and procedures? Was it last month? What about last year? Have you updated them the COVID pandemic? Join us as we cover the following recommended areas to address:

  • Three policies that should be addressed
  • General ACH Procedures
  • Receipt and Origination Procedures
  • Origination Application and Agreement
  • Originator Responsibilities
  • Customer Service Procedures


AAP/APRP credits 5.6


Location: Virtual Session



Member Price: $300


Virtual Sessions/Workshops (unless otherwise indicated), Boot Camps, Accreditation Workshops such as AAP, APRP, and NCP, and half/full day events are NOT included in Platinum Training Club benefits.


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