
March 30, 2023

Understanding QR Codes

11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT


Are you struggling to understand what QR Codes are and how they work? What does QR even mean? Join us as we describe in detail a beginner’s look at QR Codes and how this transaction type occurs within seconds. This webinar will leave you confident when questions arise about QR Codes and how they can help your organization thrive.

Areas covered during this webinar:

  • Analyze What QR Stands for
  • Review The History behind The QR Code
  • Understanding The Two Types of QR Codes
  • Define How Does a Payment with a QR Code Work
  • Examine The Features of a QR Code
  • Understand QR Code Generators



AAP/APRP credits 1.2

Live Session

11:00 am Eastern Time/ 10:00 am Central Time

Member Price: $250



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