
May 18, 2023

Contactless & Virtual Cards

11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT


Are you considering making the move to a Contactless or a Virtual card option? Contactless and Virtual cards are quickly becoming a safe and popular option for many organizations. During this webinar, we will define these card options as well as discuss some of the main benefits and uses of Contactless and Virtual cards.

Areas covered during this webinar:

  • Define Contactless and Virtual Cards
  • Understanding the Differences between Virtual Cards and Physical Cards
  • Review the History of Contactless and Virtual Cards
  • Overview of The Contactless and Virtual Card Flow
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual and Contactless Cards




AAP/APRP credits 1.2

Live Session

11:00 am Eastern Time/ 10:00 am Central Time

Member Price: $250



Click here to register


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