
June 8, 2023

Preparing Your Frontline for Check Fraud

11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT


Check fraud continues to be a consistent challenge for organizations. While technology has made it easier for fraudsters to create realistic counterfeit and fictitious checks, we will discuss how to prepare your frontline. Join us as we look at ways to help your frontline be better prepared for recognizing check fraud.

Areas covered during this webinar:

  • Discuss Parts of a Check That May be Altered
  • Review Common Check Fraud Schemes
  • Examine Scenarios and How to Manage These Situations
  • Review Preventative Measures and Internal Controls
  • Discuss Why Frontline Education and Training is One of the Best Defenses


AAP/APRP credits 1.2

Live Session

11:00 am Eastern Time/ 10:00 am Central Time

Member Price: $250



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