
October 17, 2023

Digital Payments – Contactless/Mobile/Faster Payments

11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT


Are you keeping up with the needs of your customers/members? There are big differences between the generations and some of those differences can be significant. When we look at the options available to make purchases and compare that to how we function in our everyday lives, it is important to understand the differences of each generation. These differences are vital as your financial institution targets specific individuals with products and services. The advancement of technology has provided new methods in ways we never considered. The impacts Covid-19 has had on the way we use, and exchange money is important to consider as well. Join us for an exciting hour as we share knowledge and provide recommendations for financial institutions to consider as they make plans to keep and attract new clients. We will cover the following:

  • Various generations & their differences
  • How has COVID changed the way “we pay”?
  • What are factors to consider as you create, reevaluate, or define your payment strategy?
  • What options should you consider when providing targeted marketing for 2023 and beyond?



AAP/APRP credits 1.2

Live Session

11:00 am Eastern Time/ 10:00 am Central Time

Member Price: $250





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